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История версий Add Birthdays To Calendar

1 версия

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Версия 34.0 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 3.0 - 3.1.*

Changes in version
  • Improvement: AddOn now working with Thunderbird 3.1 and Lightning 1.0b2
  • Bugfix: Implemented solution to fix bug from previous version which leads to duplicate entries in calendar
  • Bugfix: Option dialog was sometimes not closed when pressing the accept button
  • Open Bug: Maybe dublicated entries through a sync with google calendar.
Changes in version
  • Bugfix: Added type="child" attribute to addBirthdaysToCalendarOptions.xul to get addon working properly under Linux. Now the prefwindow has got a close and ok button instead of just a close button.
  • Improvement: If syncfunction is called from menu and no adressbook/calendar was set before (default after new installation) the option dialog is opend (cancel button is disabled and hidden in this case).
  • Improvement: If a new birthday is added to addressbook no adressbook/calendar was set before (default after new installation) the option dialog is opend (cancel button is disabled and hidden in this case).
  • Open Bug: If a birthday event was added manually through user interaction or through a syncronization from a pda, the event is not recognized from addon. This is, because the UID of the birthday event is not set to the adressbook entry. If addon is called you will get the birthday event a second time.
    Solution: before inserting a new birthday event to calendar must be checked, if there is alread an event with the same title, same categorie, same date and so on