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Имя simmosa
Пользователь с Окт. 28, 2008
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Мои отзывы

English (Australian) Dictionary

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Thanks mate for your effort. I do like using my favourite language. It's bonza.

As for some of the reviews, I'm all for constructive feedback, but as a fellow developer I am surprised by some of the negative comments. Robert Martin, yes it may be frustrating having to click TWICE instead of once to install the add-on, but what can I say, life's tough?

oz_ollie, I don't think place names should go in a dictionary, but I believe you can add them manually, if you want.

When you upgrade Firefox, it should check to see if there is a compatible version of the add-on.

As for the tongue-in-cheek comments about the grammar in the author's title, I think it may be acceptable to leave the 'as' out of your title because 'incorrect' could be an adjective describing how *language* is marked, rather than an adverb qualifying how it is *marked*. If there were quotes around it, there wouldn't be a problem, right? Actually, as far as I am aware, Australian spelling is just like English English, except that sometimes American spelling is treated as acceptable, so how can an Englishman claim that Australian spelling is incorrect? (Note the correct use of incorrect here.)

A New Zealand dictionary? Hello, this is for Australian English. Why remark about a New Zealand dictionary and give the add-on 1 star? That has nothing to do with it!

I think it would be an improvement to change the default language to English (Australian) after installation, but I don't know if that would require a change to Firefox or if it can be implemented in the add-on. It's not exactly an obscure language setting. Right-click on a text box, then choose Languages --> en_AU. Okay, so it takes a little bit of searching, but it's not that hard for the computer literate.

Ocker3, that's not a bad idea. The add-on (or whatever it would be) would need to identify who you are, which would probably mean logging into a web site before the commonly used add-ons could be downloaded.

There, I've had my rant. Hopefully I've written something useful here.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.1.1).