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Пользователь с Окт. 28, 2024
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Мои отзывы

Signature Switch

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд


it ist better than outlook signature management! you can't configure automatic switch for reply or forwarding (at least I couldn't find out yet), but that is not a real issue, you switch manually in such a case.
to insert images you need to use html, and you should test that before you use it, because thunderbird is interpreting the html differently then other mail clients or a web browser in case of web access on the side of the recipient.
So if you want the signature to have a certain apperance on the side of the recepient, you shold test the apperance on both clients, and adjust the sizing according to the apperance on the other side. (the apperance on outlook is pretty much the same as the apperance via web access, at least in my case)

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.18.1).