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love the crazy icon; great for when youtube seems to stutter, download then watch, delete or keep, you decide
. also has OGG support ogg/oga
[edit: wasn't able to do FULL HD with this video: https://youtu.be/5L-4ZrOk1Tc
but was able to with this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHP5MKgK0o8 ]
{not using 'beta'}
[edit: tried again with the 'beta' but same thing; it does all the downloading of video file and 2 audio track dls, and the final file plays but no audio and the play counter reads zero wherever it is on the timeline, using vlc]
{the oga did not work for the same video that did not work on FULL HD; the mp3 did work, the regular HD did work}
{oga did work for the other video that also worked on FULL HD, but it was a music video, not just the music, which surprised me, considering the a in the oga, curious}

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