Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Dear Theodore,
I have read your reply to my post, but not found any mail address where to write you and trying to access your site i receive a "Site Not Found" error message.
Anyway i can't tell you something more of what I already told in my Review. I described the problem: the XP button disappear from the toolbar after each restart of Thundrbird.
Did you experienced the same problem?
Thank you

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.1.0).  Этот пользователь ранее оставил 2 отзыва на это дополнение.


I am not sure how you are trying to access my site, the links on this page work for me. But on this add-on page for Xpunge, where you are writing the reviews (https://addons.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/addon/xpunge/), there is a link on the right-hand side that says "Support E-mail".

Can you please send an email there? It is not possible to provide the information I have in mind in review threads.
