Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Would be much more useful if rules were customizable, but for the impatient, who can't wait for cfinke ;-): extract chrome/url-fixer.jar (simple zip will do), look at content/url-fixer.js.
From around line 134, you see the rules. Play with them.
Note: all your modifications will probably be overwritten at next update.
Note: do NOT ask for support about the rule syntax.
Note: use it on your own risk! If it is not working (at all) a remove+install extension might solve the issue.

I write these tips only for those, who wants to use this excellent feature, and are not afraid of some coding.

Grats and creds to cfinke!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.6.1). 

I've developed a premium version of URL Fixer that allows you to customize the correction rules: http://www.chrisfinke.com/marketplace/url-fixer-plus.php