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Sorry, but it doesn't work with version 31.4.0. It won't allow me to insert the recipient's email address.

Rude? about pointing out what a user finds to be problematic. The what is this review mechanism for? Also, I would have gladly contacted you directly, but neither you nor any other developer provide a contact email address.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.8.4). 

Works for me on TB 34 beta, and it worked on all prior versions.

If You have a problem, do NOT post bad review, first mail add-on author with details of the problem.
A review like this one is not constructive, in fact it is just rude.

Anyway I bet that You CAN insert the recipient's email address.
But due to changes in TB, that are in conflict with one of the default Stationery settings, the addressing widget scroll itself, so the entered address become invisible.

To fix this just change "Number of rows in Addressing Widget" preference in Stationery options, to at least 3.