Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Great tool giving me the chance to define the CSS-format of my E-Mails.

Unfortunately, it vertically "shrinks" the area for recipients at the top of the compose window. Thus, when I enter one E-Mail-address, it disappears "in Nirvana" and it looks, as if no address is entered.

By default, the height of this area is defined by "mail.compose.addresswidget.numRowsShownDefault". Unfortunately, Stationery ignores this date and sets the number of recipients always to 1, what leads to the nasty effect described above.

I had to disable Stationery because of this bug. Please fix it.

Evaluation without bug: 5 Stars
Evaluation with bug: 2 Stars

### UPDATE ###
Thank you for your ultra-fast response.
Changing the "number of address lines in compose dialog" in stationery options to 3.5 solved my problem :-)
Evaluation changed to 5 stars

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.8.4). 

The "mail.compose.addresswidget.numRowsShownDefault" is a quite new setting, the prior version of the TB forced us to have at least 4 lines in the addressing widget. Stationery users complained, so I added feature to lower the mandatory number of lines to 1, defaulting to 2.

To fix Your problem just go to the stationery options, and set how many lines you need. New default in the TB is 3 lines, although due to other bug I recommend You to use 2.5 or 3.5

There is other problem, causing the "Thus, when I enter one E-Mail-address, it disappears "in Nirvana" and it looks, as if no address is entered." problem. TB changed the addressing widget appearance, so now calculations in the Stationery are off by few pixels... it is fixed in new version of Stationery.
I can send You the new version XPI, but it is not ready for publishing.