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This is a wonderful add-on in principle, but it does one thing that I can't live with and two that I'd very much like to be improved. In descending order of importance:

• When I open an email (which I do in a new window, not a tab or the preview pane), Stationery messes with the buttons in my toolbar. Thunderbirds Reply and Reply All are removed (I don't use Smart Reply) and the add-on seems to add its own Reply button instead. There is no Reply All. I already changed the options to not let Stationery attach itself to the “View message” buttons, I need my original buttons as they are, please.

• I like to use the Tab key to change from the To/Cc and Subject inputs into the message body input. If I use the HTML source editor (which I’d like), I cannot tab back using Shift+Tab.

• The two-step options menu (if one accesses the options via Tools › Add-ons) is a nice touch for novices, but I’d like to go to the full options straight away. This matters to me because I don’t like to clutter the Tools menu with the Stationery options item, particularly as the add-on inserts this item at the very bottom.

Any hope that these things could be changed? As I say, it’s a lovely add-on that I’d much like to use, but I’ll have to disable it if the first problem remains.

**Update** after Arivald's reply:

Thanks for responding, Arivald. I would have really liked some other way of getting in touch, but couldn't find one. (I saw you writing in another review that an email address was to be found somewhere, but I looked and didn't find it. Now it seems all I can do to respond to your reply is update my review, which is also far from ideal.)

You make me aware that Compact Header is really the problem. Unfortunately, I find that add-on indispensable. However, it would be great if Stationery could work for me as well.

You say that I can't tab back from the WYSYWIG editor. I tried in a TB profile without any extensions installed, and I was able to tab back.

You then say I don't like the two methods offered to access the options, that's not true. I like the "very old" one, I'd only like it to be quicker. Might it be possible to add an option that makes the "Options" button in the add-on manager go straight to the full options?

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.8.4). 

You write:
> When I open an email Stationery messes with the buttons in my toolbar[...]

The Stationery did not "mess" with buttons on toolbars.
There is the one and only case when the Stationery do something with buttons: if the Compact Header extension is installed, and the Compact Header did messed with buttons, breaking my extension. The Compact Header hides original buttons in message header toolbar, and put there copies of buttons from the main toolbar. This is messy, violate internal rules of the Gecko engine (there all elements IDs must be unique) and cause problems with other extensions.

If You really like mess created by Compact Header, then just uninstall the Stationery.

> I like to use the Tab key to change from the To/Cc and Subject inputs into the message body input. If I use the HTML source editor (which I’d like), I cannot tab back using Shift+Tab.

You can't tab-back from the WYSYWIG editor either. It is standard behavior, changing it would be rules violation.

> The two-step options menu (if one accesses the options via Tools › Add-ons) is a nice touch for novices, but I’d like to go to the full options straight away. This matters to me because I don’t like to clutter the Tools menu with the Stationery options item, particularly as the add-on inserts this item at the very bottom.

The Stationery provides both the very old (tools menu) and the very new (inlined options, plus button to access more options) method to access options... You apparently didn't like them both...
What I can do?
But You can develop any method to access the options page, and use it for yourself, it is quite easy.