Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

This is an excellent addon. Says what it does and does it well.
Among other things, I can already see it taking the place of the "Reset Quote Header" Extension, which was excellent but hasn't been updated in ages.

A few possible, however:

1. At present, there is no way to automatically add timezone information (e.g., -7:00 or +2:00) to the the %datelocal% setting.

2. When replying or forwarding, the original e-mail is not treated as quoted text, which means that the Thunderbird spell-checker attempts to check the spelling of the original text as well as the new text. This can be a nuisance when the original e-mail is quite long.

3. The %to% and %cc% fields automatically add quotation marks when replying or forwarding e-mails received from Microsoft applications, among others. Thus, the address becomes "Joe Bloggs" rather than Joe Bloggs . Would it be possible to strip the quotation marks?

4. The last thing is something that I miss from Eudora (that was a long time ago!): the possibility to reply or forward messages using the original sender's time zone information in the reply header. People are much more likely to relate to replies when they can easily find the orginal e-mail on their computer.

Thanks and keep up the good work!

Alex FX

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.4.3). 

Your review is useful very much!

1. I did not consider Timezone well.
I will fix a bug that %date...% is converted into the local time.
(i.e., convert it into Timezone of the sender)

2. I'm sorry. I can not understand the meaning of the problem.
When we compose with text(without HTML), the spell-checker attempts to check the spelling of the quoted text.
I think that it is TB's default.

3. It may be wrong.
The e-mails received from Microsoft applications have the quotation marks.
And, this add-on strips the quotation marks with %toname% and %ccname%.
However, Since your comment is understandable, make strip the quotation marks with %to% %cc% too.

Best Regards.