Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Brilliant addon! I've been waiting for an addon like this for a long time now. I previously used the the "Menu editor" addon, but it had a terribly annoying issue where the original menu would appear quickly before switching to the newly edited menu. Every time you right-clicked, you'd get two menus flashing. Very annoying. Understandable, given it hasn't been updated since 2011.

But this addon does it beautifully! Very snappy, quick, and has helpful features like being able to edit directly in-menu, renaming, moving things around, hide, show/hide all, etc.

Hopefully we can get a good multi-select feature so we can move multiple items at once. I need to move groups of items into different dividers and submenus.

A search feature would be great, too.

Please help us with this.

The developer seems to be very responsive to users and quick to add new features and fixes. Brilliant.

An awesome addon, and one that I've been recommending to colleagues and friends! Thanks!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.04.1-signed). 

thank you!
"search feature" and "multiple" in the plan :)