Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

Two years ago, when this add-on worked beautifully, I'd have given it 5 stars without a moment's thought!
However, when an add-on no longer works with any recent versions of Firefox, and NONE of the documentation on the add-on page tells you that the add-on is no longer being updated, it deserves no more than 2 stars!
Given that both the Add-on Home Page and Support Site are dead links, I'd normally give the add-on no more than 1 star, but this was a great, simple extension when it worked, so I simply can't give it such a low rating.
It's about time that AMO start clearing out the add-ons that are no longer being actively developed and move them to an archive area. Those of us looking for CURRENT add-ons are finding it harder and harder to find them among all of the dead ones!
Thanks for the memories Erik!