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Requesting some code cleanup. Also rich formatting and other features are rarely used and should be removed. I request a fork of this add-on for just text based note taking.

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Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Make a small note taking add-on just for Firefox 4. The features of font and UI customization are not used very often and may be removed. Also using frames instead of tabs may be nice.
I love the feature of syncing notes with bookmarks.

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Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

A request: Make a light weight note taking addon just for firefox 4 for taking notes. You may switch to separate frames instead of tabs. The font and UI customization are not very often used and may be done away with.
I love the feature of syncing notes as bookmarks.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

have a favicon when viewing in tab mode

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.3B). 

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Please add option to remove from context menu for the latest version. Also having a drop down list in place of the nav-bar button to select the notes would be a great idea

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Gr8 Addon!!!
Having "tabs" on top in your addon would be a great idea in FF4.
Also the buttons are visible on the status bar in FF4 even when disabled..plz fix this.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.3A).