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obsessively asks for donations

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (5.3). 

Have you looked at any of the change logs?? The popup just happens when I update the Add-ons once every few weeks, and only to "free as in beer" users without a license - you may not have noticed but since I transferred it to Thunderbird 78 last year I fixed 24 issues (please see the official github) on top of having to rewrite a ton of functionality. My work is duplicated by having to write bug fixes and improvements twice to also supprt Thunderbird 68 users. You do not get the update popup if you have a QuickFolders Pro license, which by the way is now on discounted offer. I had 3 releases since the rewrite last November and each of them had very important bugfixes.

The popup only costs you one click to close it - but it enables me to keep going and keep this very very complex Add-on compatible. Without that, the Add-on would be abandoned like so many other complicated ones. You shouldn't punish me and 20,000 users for trying to keep this Software alive. You could just disable updates and stay behind on a broken version and then you will never be bothered at all.