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Something very odd is happening.
Recently, Google keeps signing this add-on out citing that it a suspicious app. I also tried using an app password instead of my actual Google passord and it refuses to accept it.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (91.0.2). 

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I found a workaround for now:

Delete your saved tokens via Options, Security, Saved Passwords. Delete all OAuth tokens for Google Calendar then closed TB.

Open TB. You will get a popup for each Google Account associated with the calendars you have. Pay close attention to the account name and authorise only the first pop-up, then CLOSE the rest, and close TB again. Repeat this process for each Google Account until all are authorised.

Hope that helps everyone

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (3.3).