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POW -- Plain Old Webserver 0.1.9 Требуется перезапуск
автор David Kellogg
Turn the web on its head with the Plain Old Webserver (POW), which adds a server to your browser.
Об этом дополнении
Information and a tutorial for POW can be found at this wiki
and at this newsgroup http://groups.google.com/group/firefoxpow
The Plain Old Webserver uses Server-side Javascript (SJS) to run a server inside your browser. Use it to distribute files from your browser. It supports Server-side JS, GET, POST, uploads, Cookies, SQLite and AJAX. It has security features to password-protect your site. Users have created a wiki, chat room and search engine using SJS.
This version includes documentation to show you how to build a Server-side Javascript program.