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Project's dead?

KaaMoS posted on May 22nd asking if this Firefox extension project has died and also said that the project's website was dead.

The website is presently "alive". I used the link provided in the download page here and the website loads just fine. The four main pages in it are all accessible and everything seems to be working there.

I haven't tried this add-on so can't comment on it, but will give a 4-star rating since that's the average with 241 user reviews that've been posted so far. It would be unethical to give less and I can't say 5 since I haven't tried this extension. So I'll give 4.

This add-on is also the second of three recommendations in a how-to article at CNET.com.

"How to download videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and more"
by Sharon Vaknin on March 28, 2012

I won't provide the url since that might not be accepted in comments here. People reading this and wanting to read the above article can use Google for a site-specific search of CNET, f.e.

Flashget and DownloadHelper are two Firefox add-ons that I have installed and they're useful, but I never do large downloads using the Web browser, because if it crashes or hangs while a download is executing, then I have to restart the browser (when the situation is a hang), and the download will have to be restarted from scratch. So I only use Flashget to redirect downloads to an external application that's only for downloads and the ones I have installed are all much faster than downloads with Firefox. But I'll install and try out the NetVideoHunter add-on. It probably doesn't allow automatic redirection of downloads to a separate application, but maybe it's better than DownloadHelper, and maybe it will work at some websites where these other two add-ons don't.

One immediately appealing feature of NetVideoHunter is that it permits downloading videos in different quality formats when there's more than one available. I don't think the other two add-ons mentioned above provide this functionality, or if they do, they don't prompt the user to make the selection. For that reason, I assume that they don't provide this and it's a great option to have. We may want normal quality, possibly even less when a video file is actually just audio with an image that doesn't change. And we can want highest or next-to-highest quality available.

For that reason alone it'll now be installed. Actually, for that reason and also because this add-on has received plenty of good reviews, as well as having been evaluated by the Mozilla or Firefox developer or QA team.

It must surely deserve at least 4-star ratings.

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