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The End of Mozilla FF for Many.......

I have used FF for years and have bragged to people that they have the best add-on selection anywhere. I love Mozilla Archive Format as well as several add-ons but I have lost many of them with FF Quantum. FF is starting to fail with dedication to users. I have used them since 2011 but now with the conversion from version 56 to 57, I am going to have to switch to another browser.
FF on my Android is even worse. Too many user Add-ons are disabled. FF is going to lose alot of users.
Many users are saying the same thing but Firefox obviously does not care about its long time users.

In the meantime, go to https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/install-older-version-of-firefox and reinstall version 56.0.2
and make sure you go into Tools/Options/General/Firefox Updates and unselect automatic updates.
I want to stick with my add-ons!

You can also follow U.C's SOLUTION FOR FIREFOX 57+
Install a second version of Firefox (v.56) and deactivate the update.
Here you can find all versions:

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (5.2.0).  Этот пользователь оставил другие отзывы на это дополнение.