Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

MAFF is fantastic. It WORKS. In this time when we have fast and easy gather knowledge from the Internet it is a PEARL. With no doubts - breaking compatibility in new version of FF will bring the browser to the END. For years I use FF I have tons of MAFFs I will not convert them into crappy HTML + FileFolder format. This is my knowledge base. Available whereever I need it no matter if a given material is still available and in place. No paid solution like Evernote, Pocket and so on will be enough for me and I know that for many others too.
I prey Mozilla will see the whole mistake in abandoning compatibility with it. Why FF cannot be a browser for advanced Internet users for which functionality means far more than "fast-clicking". And this is one of of the bases of functionality... and FREEDOM :)
It is real big mistake which prevent me before updating the browser in the future and eventually taking in mind to abandon it.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (5.2.0).