Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I don't know what is the matter but I can't get it to work under FireFox 8.0 Worked flawlessly with all previous versions.

Under FF 8.0 I do not get the option of maff in the "file type" drop down menu when I select "Save Page as...." in the right click context menu. I hope I do not have to revert to version 7.01 just to use this extension.

Would rate it as 5 Star but for this problem!

I stand corrected. Since "Save to folder" did not work with ff 8.0 I installed "download sort" which prevented maff from working. Soon as I remoced it everything is working fine.

This extension makes life so much easier with only a single file to be managed in stead of the file + folder pain, you know where !!!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (