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Works okay when reading an email, but the options disappear in the compose email window. Consequently, if your signature line opens in a larger (or smaller) view than intended, you have to use the old CTRL+ or CTRL- key combos.

Not a big deal, but it seems strange that the buttons would not be available in both READ and all WRITE screens (new message, reply, forward, etc).

REF: TB v24.0.1, Windows 7 Pro

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0.8). 

Version 1.0.9 adds the buttons to the compose window. Enjoy!

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Just loaded this add-on and I'm very happy with it for incoming messages.

But it has an omission, which wasn't clear until I installed it:

I wish it worked for outgoing messages (i.e the "write" or compose screens). They have an unreasonably small display font, but if I increase the font size to be readable as I compose, it displays way too large if the recipient is using Thunderbird, and maybe some other email clients as well.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0.8). 

Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I'm also working on adding functionality to the task window, too.

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Thank you so much. I need this for almost every message, to make it smaller or larger. It's wonderful to have it always available. Why isn't everybody using this?

I have a lot of trouble with font stability writing messages. I wish Montezooma could be used for that as well.

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Please let us know when we can expect and update on this extension. It is a bit frustrating having to click on every message to enlarge.

I thank you in advance.

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In addition to the font size settings in Preferences->View and Preferences->Display, you can use a userContent.css file in the "/chrome" sub-folder of the user profile and add the following CSS value "body { font-size: 20px !important; }" to the file (without quotes) to store a minimum font size value between sessions. Since this file isn't automatically created or managed by any built-in functionality, it's beyond the scope of my addon to build something from scratch.

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I had been looking for an addon that would allow me to change the size of text in a message. With this I can zoom the whole message and not strain my eyes!!! Great Addon!!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0.8). 

My pleasure! Glad you like it!

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Reinstalled Tb, and now it's working fine--better than Zoomer or any other toolbar buttons-based add-on (they all seemed to have troubles starting with Tb 3.0+). Would still like toolbar buttons, tho...;-)

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