Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Great add-on to get more precise window title with auto-type function of KeePass.

Just a tip: if you using a Firefox variant not supported (like Cyberfox or Comodo IceDragon for example), just open the xpi file of the extension (it's a normal ZIP file) and edit the file HostnameInTitlebar_AppInfo.js.
Add the name of the program to the appNames[HostnameInTitlebar_AppInfo.FIREFOX] array.

So, the first lines in the file
appNames[HostnameInTitlebar_AppInfo.FIREFOX] = [
"Pale Moon"

to support Cyberfox for example, will be

appNames[HostnameInTitlebar_AppInfo.FIREFOX] = [
"Pale Moon",

Save and restart, should work.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (