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FYI, there are at least two bugs regarding contact photos, which may be nits to some. I like having photos for every contact, especially on my phone, as it allows me to see who's calling or whom I'm writing to at a glance.

1) I installed gContactSync on Thunderbird 60.6.1 (32-bit) for Windows and configured it for R/O mode.

Upon initial sync everything looked great, including all photos... Awesome! But, a few days later I noticed some contact photos were mysteriously disappearing from both my phone and Google. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to which ones, it was occurring randomly.

To isolate the cause:
- Disabled this Add-on.
- Restored the missing photos using the Contacts app on my phone (Google Pixel 3, running the latest build of Pie).
- Verified Google Contacts was updating accordingly.

After which all has remained well, so I think it clearly points to a bug in this Add-on. Thankfully, no contact data seems to be missing (as far as I've been able to tell), just photos.

2) I installed gContactSync on Thunderbird 60.6.1 (64-bit) for Linux (Fedora) and configured it for R/O mode.

Upon initial sync, some photos appear in the TBird address book, while others are missing. This occurs immediately, and is also random.

I wouldn't be too concerned about these issues in the TBird address book, but since I have gContactSync in R/O mode it obviously shouldn't be deleting data in Google Contacts (and therefore, in my phone as well after it syncs).

This would be the perfect Add-on for me, but I can't use it until there's a fix for these problems.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (3.1.5).