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can't get exif information on pictures at http://www.chassimages.com/forum/index.php/topic,75194.0.html. these pictures contain exif, checked with faststone image viewer on pictures saved from this site.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.3.2). 

Thanks for bringing this up. This server sends even the images out as compressed (Content-Encoding: gzip) and when accessing the image from the browser cache directly it's handed to FxIF uncompressed which it can't handle.

I changed the code to not access the cache directly for now and hope this hasn't huge drawbacks. One drawback is that now any No-Cache statements from the server will be obeyed and the whole image refetched.
It will be as such in the forthcomming 0.4, but I'm still looking for alternatives.