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This is useful when use G-mail via IMAP.

>Please suggest correct translations for the following strings in your native language.
It's VERY difficult question foe me. Because Japanese and English has quite different concepts and vocabularies sometime.

A Japanese sample is the below.
1. Breakout Subfolders = 親フォルダの除去
2. Promote Subfolders = 子フォルダを昇格
3. Restore Parent Folder = 親フォルダの復元
4. Flattened = 平坦化
5. Flattened Folders = 平坦化フォルダ

5 "平坦化フォルダ" is bit unusual word
but I can't come up with any better idea for now.
To get better answer, I need more detailed information about it.

1 "親フォルダの除去" literary means "remove parent folder".
I feel that it is better than "子フォルダの解放".

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