Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

My first rating was: I thought I will get an enhanced IE tab with shared cookies and working AdBlock. But there is no chance to switch from FF to IE, no menu, no click. I am using Firefox 33.1.1. Sorry ...
But then: Found out how to switch, but it is no click but a special key combination. Description is wrong on that part.
What's missing: Fire IE has no Menu Item for browser switching like IE Tab and it has no access to FF's user/password list - if it can share cookies why not user information?
And the script for auto-switch is not very helpful. I'd like to have a simple address list because there are lots of sites where navigation and most of actions are possible but only one thing is not or the display does not work as designed or or or ...
[Edit]: Finally found out how it works, and it's fine - as long as no IE 11 was involved. But this is another comment ...

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Do you notice the blue lightning-shaped icon at the right-most side of your URL bar? Left click it to switch between Firefox and IE modes. Right clicking it will bring up a context menu where you can setup auto-switch rules for the current side or webpage.