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For TB 91 and later, see also move-folder-context-menu

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The current version of this addon has issues with tb 68 and probably doesn't install or work with tb 78, 91 and beyond. I modified the code to work with 68 and with >= 78 here: https://github.com/smitgd/addon-copyfolder-tb-esr68/tree/WL. (The 68 adaptation is on master branch.)
I tried to submit this as a new addon but it was rejected because I used the "WindowListener expermiment" to wrap the code without adapting to the new "Mail Extension API". However, updates to existing addons are OK using this method. So if the author of this addon wants to submit my version or a modified version to update this, it's OK with me.

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From PortableApps.com I downloaded TB 60.9.1. I can run it from a USB stick and use Copy Folder Mod. I found that if you run the portable version first, it's also possible to then run the version installed on your computer side by side (though without Copy Folder Mod) if you need to see other email folders.

Copy Folder Mod can still be a little finicky and hangs once in awhile, but I'm always able to restart Thunderbird Portable and restart the copy.

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

The prior rating, by TomHayden86, indicates that this addon should run with TB 68.5 or perhaps any other 68 as well. (Guess Tom has found where the add-on's options can be opened for editing?).

Though, the add-on v2.2.1, currently the newest, is tagged to be compatible with up to TB 63.

Now I have TB 68.9 and installation of the add-on v2.2.1 is denied with an incompatibility return message.

Is there a secret trick to make it run?

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Thanks for updating again, however I do not have the menu entry on TB 68.5 (x32) even though the plugin appears to be enabled and 'compatible'.. Please do reach out if I can help with debugging...

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Works a treat on 60.9.1 for me. Thanks!

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Hi yshingai,

Thanks for the changes that you made to the initial add-on.

I updated my Thunderbird to 68.1.2 and it seems that is not working anymore. I am getting the following error from Thunderbird Add-on page

Copy Folder mod is incompatible with Thunderbird 68.1.2

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

Selecting the folders works in TB 60.8 but it does not copy anything.
Anyway thanks for the efforts to keep this addon alive!

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

Hi guys, the old Copy Folder does not work for me on SL6; right-clicking on the folder pops up a menu that includes Copy to... but the only destination shown is "Recent>" which has an empty menu. So I tried to install the -mod version but it apparently isn't yet approved by Mozilla. Is it malware?

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд


It now works like a charm in the new Thunderbird!
