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Expected color but found ‘default’. Error in parsing value for ‘text-decoration’. Declaration dropped. blank:30:76
Expected color but found ‘default’. Error in parsing value for ‘text-decoration’. Declaration dropped. blank:52:76
TypeError: info is null[Learn More] accountcolors-utilities.js:186:9

Doesn't appear to apply to color folders. But the only entries containing "color"

Are you seeing these?? I keep donating! :-) HOPEFULLY!

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Tried Error Console and NOTHING shows under "col" let alone "colorfolders". The add-on won't even COLOR a folder in the first place now - the first time this has happened.

This is all I could find:
Expected color but found ‘top’. Error in parsing value for ‘background-image’. Declaration dropped. render:2:30836
Error in parsing value for ‘border-color’. Declaration dropped. css-min.css:1:13924

reflow: 0.05ms
reflow: 0.04ms function openPopupAtScreen, popup.xml line 67
reflow: 0.02ms

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I see in the .js file a 2011-2013 copyright and only v1.0 and 1.1 no update dates in comments.

I've donated at least $60 which I realize is undoubtedly paltry, but I HOPED to encourage a new look at the add-on.

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TypeError: folderColor is undefined[Learn More] colorfolders.js:150:5

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OK I LOVE the extension! And find it VERY helpful - if ONLY the folder colors would PERSIST, but every update of Thunderbird wipes out all my color assignments. If there is anything I can do to save and reload them, PLEASE let me know!

The enhancement request is to replace the color choice list WITH the expanded color grid - AND to actually apply those colors TO the folders! I can't see where it works fully.

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Later versions of Thunderbird have been wiping-out all color assignments. I have gone through and re-colored my folders over a half dozen times so far and with perhaps 200 folders this isn't trivial.

I donated once and am willing to donate again - I realize it isn't nearly enough to pay for development time - I'm not rich! But I can hope this problem will be resolved.

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TypeError: folderColor is undefined[Learn More] colorfolders.js:150:5
com.fisheater.colorFolders.onPopupShowing chrome://colorfolders/content/colorfolders.js:150:5

I don't especially want to go into this on TB/EB 54.x because they BOTH WIPE OUT folder color settings!

When I try to use the color folders color palette, it will not apply most of the colors presented.

Using TB 52.1.1 on macOS 10.12.6

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I'm running TB 52.1.1 under macOS 10.12.6

The full range of colors from the color folders palette is not applied when selected.

Don't know if the following is any help:

ReferenceError: colorfolders is not defined [Learn More]
TypeError: this.chromeUtilsWindow.openUILinkIn is not a function[Learn More] hudservice.js:425:5

When I enter colorfolders in the filter, I get the following:

ReferenceError: colorfolders is not defined [Learn More]

When I click [Learn More], it tries to open an application - but doesn't know what application to use!

I really don't WANT to attempt this with TB /EB 54 because they both WIPE OUT my tab color settings!!

Oh, one request (if possible) - color the NAME of the folder...

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Thunderbird/Earlybird 54 seem to WIPE OUT color settings!

But I LOVE this as much as I love Colorful Tabs for Firefox!