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To enable, right-click in a text box, select "Languages", then "English (United Kingdom)".

What's/Where's a "text box"?

Why do I need a dictionary to be able to understand how to use your dictionary.

Found it. This must be a text box because the Languages option has just shown up.

So easy...NOT.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (2.55). 

Hello KES,

The detailed instructions on how to install/use are explained in:
(there was a link in the add-on description to it)

Could you please increase the stars since you missed the link above and I have spent full days adding words to it and also writing the FAQ/instructions?

Thank you!

Kind regards,

I have just improved the add-on text to match your suggestion:
"To enable, right-click in an editable text area, select "Languages" → "English (United Kingdom)"."
Is this easier to understand now?