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As the FIRST reviewer here for this add-on....inspiration is good, but menu and text almost impossible to read/see rendering theme useless.

[in response to developer]:
I can see others have reviewed this theme extensively. bwahahaha.

if a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound. same idea here. it's also funny that others i shown the theme to on pc say the same as what i have said, i hope you don't try out on american idol because you think you have a great voice and others have never told you otherwise. you won't be able to handle the rejection ;)

I find it very strange only you claim the issue of not being able to read and etc ... Here in my pc is perfect using the font color "white" are almost 1600 users using this theme and no one made any comment of this nature:

[ Huh_? - In response to his criticism ]

Friend apologize if the theme at hand was not to your liking! To permanently close this discussion, I accept yes "rejection and criticism", search within the forum I posted days ago, before making unnecessary comments:https://forums.mozilla.org/viewtopic.php?p=41717#p41717

I love criticism and etc ... it just makes me more and more grow in my learning, unfortunately I can not do the same to you, from what I see, you have no theme created or made, have a great week and good luck!