Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

This is really great, I'd love to give you a perfect score, but I only do that for add-ons that are perfect. There's a couple of additions that would make this a whole lot better still.
• Make it so that I have the option to turn off the "Clipboard" options. Very useful, but with the current layout, I'd prefer to not have it in the list.
• Create a button that I can put on the add-on bar, vertical sidebar, or navigation bar. My right click list has gotten quite long, and frankly, a button would work a lot better for me.
• Allow users to create customs for bbcode, or other, so that bbcode customs can be accessed directly from the bbcode list, and html customs can be accessed directly from it's list. (I don't think xhtml should have customs; I'm pretty sure it's a higher standard)
The lack of a button is the number one thing that's keeping me from saying this is close enough to perfect.

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