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ЗакрытьОтзывы на AutoBucket от a nymo
Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд
.. but very far from being "done"...
Whatever the Autobucket change was from "Sync" storage to Local storage, Autobucket no longer blows up memory use/pagefile. I estimate that the memory resource reduction to be >>70% from previous releases that were alleged to be bugfixed. DO NOT REGRESS THIS MAJOR ARCHITECTURAL ERROR IN FUTURE RELEASES...
It's possible that Thunderbird v78.11.0 bugfixes might be playing a part in Autobucket's rehabilitation, too.
No way to estimate how much faster 1.2.0 is over previous releases, because previous releases would hang Thunderbird for more than 24hrs before regaining UI response after ANY single Autobucket operation. Many orders of magnitude faster now, but still too slow - too slow for anything other than non-production hour runs of batch operations..
Autobucket desperately needs an UNLEARN AS TAG flyout menu option, RATHER THAN THE WHOLESALE DELETION OF ALL ACCUMULATED PREVIOUS "LEARNING." This is necessary whenever Autobucket egregiously mis-tags messages, even after HUNDREDS of manual Learn as Tag "lessons." WRONG TAGS, PER MESSAGE, NEED TO BE GRANULARLY UNLEARNED as part of "learning," whiile preserving all other valid rules.
Now, Autobucket is a modestly useful app, instead of [CR]app.
v1.1.3 "update"...
1) AB Options tab now only populates with NO parameters (NO Tags & ZEROED LIMITS, no matter what might have been saved before)
2) no option to Learn message as during right click on message list item
3) still chews up and down on memory consumption/exhaustion as reported with v1.1.0
Allegedly v1.1.0 works with Tbird 78.x.
Well, here's how...:
1) one of the SLOWEST extensions to load/reload that I have ever witnessed
2) Options page loads EMPTY, hangs (literally for hours), "recovers," then refuses to accept any parameters (sees no existing Tbird tags, accepts no Learning upper limit size, accepts no Judgement log retention), then hangs again,
3) worst possible resource consumption of any extension I have ever witnessed: can variously demand 2GB->20GB of memory while DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, just "idling"). Luckily, it's not a memory leak - all memory is freed up if/when Tbird is exited and/or process-killed
I could go on.
Suffice it to say that this is a really excellent extension in hanging/tying up all of Tbird via ridiculous system resource exhaustion..
(Tbird really needs to be able to throttle runaway resource consumption by badly coded extensions like this one).
Are any of these the reasons why v1.1.0 is BURIED on the Other Versions page??? It sure doesn't show up on the main page.
Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд
v1.1.3 "update"...
1) AB Options tab now only populates with NO parameters (NO Tags & ZEROED LIMITS, no matter what might have been saved before)
2) no option to Learn message as during right click on message list item
3) still chews up and down on memory consumption/exhaustion as reported with v1.1.0
Allegedly v1.1.0 works with Tbird 78.x.
Well, here's how...:
1) one of the SLOWEST extensions to load/reload that I have ever witnessed
2) Options page loads EMPTY, hangs (literally for hours), "recovers," then refuses to accept any parameters (sees no existing Tbird tags, accepts no Learning upper limit size, accepts no Judgement log retention), then hangs again,
3) worst possible resource consumption of any extension I have ever witnessed: can variously demand 2GB->20GB of memory while DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, just "idling"). Luckily, it's not a memory leak - all memory is freed up if/when Tbird is exited and/or process-killed
I could go on.
Suffice it to say that this is a really excellent extension in hanging/tying up all of Tbird via ridiculous system resource exhaustion..
(Tbird really needs to be able to throttle runaway resource consumption by badly coded extensions like this one).
Are any of these the reasons why v1.1.0 is BURIED on the Other Versions page??? It sure doesn't show up on the main page.
Sorry, I fixed an issue where the processing of plugins became very heavy in version 1.1.1.
The reason the version 1.1.0 is not displayed on the main page is that this site is probably judging the user agent and separating the display.
The correct version is displayed when I access it in the thunderbird browser.
I have released version 1.1.4.
I fixed some code that might consume a lot of memory and CPU when reading the settings at startup.
The reason why the menu was not displayed to you correctly is probably because the startup process was taking a long time.
This may be the reason why the settings are empty.
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