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1-click Online Document View 2.3.1-signed.1-signed Требуется перезапуск
автор vinay
Open DOC, DOCX, PDF, PPT, PPTX and TIFF files linked in any webpage directly with Google Docs viewer using "1-click Online Document View", with a single left-click of your mouse / trackpad!!
Об этом дополнении
You'll love this add-on for sure because:
This add-on fits so well into your browsing experience that you may forget that you are actually using this add-on to achieve the desired functionality!!!
1-click Document View features:
1) No more painful pdf reader loading in your browser (resulting in your system slowing down, browser hanging or totally crashing!!)
2) Lighter on the RAM, so that your browsing experience doesn't suffer.
3) Super-fast loading time, thanks to the Chocolate Factory guys (a.k.a. Google Engineers)!
4) Don't regret that you clicked on a link, ever!!
5) No rendering problems with MS Office documents (Word and Powerpoint), if you are an Open-Office user by choice on Windows/Mac, or are an Open-Office user by default (read as a Linux user)!
6) No more need to download to sluggish PDF readers to view PDFs in your browser
7) ...and many, many more!
If you are using Google Search with this addon installed, please read below:
I tested this add-on for compatibility in viewing documents returned in search results of Yahoo, Bing and Google (http and https). Its works fine for search results of the first 2 search sites. This add-on's feature is disabled on Google Search results pages by default, since it leads to broken links. Please use the "Quick View" option under the link of a document in the search results, to view the documents online (for Google Search website).