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Mc Fat Tongue

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Имя Mc Fat Tongue
Пользователь с Фев. 22, 2014
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Menu Wizard

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

The author of this add-on has just sent me version 1.04 to test, and felt it necessary to let everyone know there is an excellent new feature in that new version.

You can now deselect/reselect menu items directly from all your 'right mouse click' menus, there is now no need to find the corresponding menu item in the add-ons options.

No doubt the new version will be released soon.

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank the author for listening and all his hard work.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.03.1-signed).  Этот пользователь ранее оставил 1 отзыв на это дополнение.

Menu Wizard

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I love this add-on, so much better than Menu Filter.

I would like to make one suggestion though:

When you choose 'S3 Menu Wizard' from a right click menu, it opens up the corresponding sub menu in the wizard settings.

That way if you want to hide a particular item in a menu just click on 'S3 Menu Wizard' and the correct sub menu is opened in the wizard, rather than have to find and open the correct menu yourself.

Thank you for all your hard work.

Edit: 02 June 2014

I am sorry I was not clear enough with my request (I do not think I can post screen shots here).

I will try to explain in a bit more detail.

1. If I click the right mouse button on any web site the MAIN CONTEXT MENU opens.

2. If I then select the S3.MENU WIZARD option from that menu, it takes me to the options for your add-on.

3. At this point I see the options for, MENU BAR, TAB CONTEXT MENU, MAIN CONTEXT MENU.

4. None of the 3 menus in the options are expanded. Because I have come from MAIN CONTEXT MENU to the add-on options, I would like to see that menu automatically expanded. In other words I would like to see the MAIN CONTEXT MENU In the your add-ons option expanded instead of having to press the + next to the option.

I would also like to see this behaviour for any of the other menus.

The reason I would like this is because I can find it difficult to locate an item I want to hide from a menu, in your options.

I hope you can understand me a bit better this time.

Thank you.

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Menu Filter

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I like this a lot.

Will you please tell me the prefix for the about:config preferences for this add-on. I need to know because I use the OPIE backup preferences add-on, and "Menu Filter's" preferences are not being backed up because it can't identify them.

Thank you.

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Silent Block

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд


This is an excellent add-on and has worked really well, but I'm having trouble writing a RegEx pattern match for


It's the last two characters I'm having trouble with.

I'm fairly new to RegEx so any help would be appreciated.

Edit: I think I've found the solution:


I didn't want it case sensitive hence the reason for [].
Does this appear to be correct to you, it seems to work for me.

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