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Doesn't seem to be stable with the autosave on. Causes my firefox to crash endlessly, and also causes a very noticeable 2-5 second freeze up every time it autosaves.

It's somewhat more stable with the autosave turned off, though how stable I'm not sure yet. If it had a working, seamless autosave feature, it would do something that nothing else can do, as far as I'm aware; a feature lots of people want. But without it, it lets you save multiple, automatically timestamped, custom named sessions (which is really nice) and load specific ones on demand. But this doesn't help much with crash recovery, which is the main reason many people want it. Firefox already has a session restore feature, though it can only save one session when it's closed and restore it when it's restarted.

And if you're not careful with the settings it can very easily gobble up 10+ GB of hard drive space with session files. I wish it could just autosave everything but the cache, because then the session files would be small, and it wouldn't take much time to extract the information; just things like URLs, window titles, history, cookies, states of site clickables and form entries; no cache. Only save the cache during an explicit, click of the save session button. It has an option to disable restoring from the cache, but not one to disable *saving* the cache. That would be a big help.

Of course even better would be to autosave the cache without freezing up firefox while it does it, by using a better write buffer.

I think that "Encrypt saved session and window history" ends up corrupting a lot of session saves, even with the master password entered at save time and at restore. And even with the "If encryption fails, do NOT save data unencrypted" box left unchecked.

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