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Process Toggle 2.5
автор Peter J. Sloetjes, MSc.
Toolbar panel for restarting the application with(out) multiple processes and for changing the maximum number of content processes (this requires Firefox 49 or newer).
Об этом дополнении
This simple extension makes it easier to switch between the single process mode and the multi process mode of Firefox Nightly / Developer Edition / Beta. The multi process mode is currently being switched on in the release version of Firefox.
The toolbar panel provides two buttons for restarting with/without multiple processes, one spin button for setting the maximum number of content processes and one button for restarting in safe mode (without extensions). The toolbar button shows a yellow thunderbolt when the parent window is in multi-process mode.
Process Toggle has been available since August 2014. Further development of this extension has been paused as of February 2017.