Чтобы попробовать тысячи доступных здесь дополнений, загрузите Mozilla Firefox, быстрый, бесплатный способ веб-сёрфинга!
ЗакрытьДобро пожаловать в дополнения Firefox.
Выбирайте из тысяч дополнительных функций и стилей, чтобы настроить Firefox по своему вкусу.
PrivaConf 4.0
автор honesty
Automatically apply settings recommended by security and privacy experts.
Об этом дополнении
PrivaConf add-on automatically applies settings recommended by security and privacy experts.
PrivaConf disables:
- Disk cache (memory cache is used instead)
- Firefox Health Report
- Usage statistics (Telemetry)
- Telemetry experiments
- Add-on metadata updating
- Network predictor (seer)
- Link prefetching (DNS prefetch is still used)
- Third-party cookies
- Experimental link tracking (beacon, pings)
- Google Safebrowsing
- Search suggestions
- Clipboard monitoring
- asm.js
- IndexedDB
- Geolocation
- SSDP protocol
- CSS visited links
- SVG fonts
- URL trimming
- Firefox Hello
- Firefox Sync
- Sensor API
- Battery API
- Gamepad API
- Vibration API
- Navigation Timing API
- Permissions API
- getUserMedia
- Encrypted media extensions (EME DRM)
- OpenH264 (codec used only by Hello)
- Video statistics
- Mozilla Snippets
- Directory Tiles on New Tab Page
- Social media integration
- Mistyped url redirection
PrivaConf enables:
- Basic Firefox tracking protection
- Removing cookies on browser close
- Referer trimming
- Limit for memory cache (5 MiB)
- Limit go-back steps & pop-ups for page (both max. 5)
PrivaConf doesn't have any settings or buttons and we recommend to use it with TotalSpoof.
See if add-on works properly on fonk.wz.cz/browsercheck.
Feature requests or issues send to: fonk@tutanota.com