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JavaScript Object Examiner 2.0beta.1-signed.1-signed Требуется перезапуск
автор Chuck_Baker
Display JavaScript object methods and properties for any available scope.
Об этом дополнении
''JavaScript Object Examiner'' is considered a 'legacy' extension and will no longer work with Firefox v57 and above. ''JavaScript Object Examiner'' cannot be written with the WebExtensions platform that Mozilla has adopted for all extensions. ''JavaScript Object Examiner'' will still be maintained, but only for Firefox clones (like Pale Moon).
JavaScript Object Examiner (or JOE) is a Firefox extension primarily for extension and web developers. It allows you to examine the properties, methods, and attributes of window objects or HTML tags. This extension essentially does for the window object what the DOM Inspector does for the document object.
The most current version is always available from the JOE Homepage.