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The addon has plenty of bugs and the company does not seem to bother. I wrote to them plenty of times but got absolutely no answer. Bugs are:
- saving sent messages sometimes takes ages and the messages are saved as "unread" which itself maybe is not a big issue but this is just one more thing to fix.
- you can delete only the first message you open, then you have to close the window and open next message and again and again and again. If you delete a message folder no message is selected and if you press arrows to move to a new one selection jumps to the very first message in your folder.
- eXquilla saves draft messages each time as a new message so if you write a long email after sending it you have plenty of drafts (unread of course) in a draft folder.

The company even offered they will return my money but they do not answer any mail so ...
It's a shame they destroy such necessary addon. Unfortunately Beonex is a monopolist in case of Exchange servers, and they know it.

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Hi, we've investigated and fixed 2 of the 3 issues you mentioned. It turned out that both were caused by API changes in Thunderbird which we didn't notice. Sorry for that. We fixed those now. We'll still have to look into the first issue.

I'm sorry that you didn't get an answer. We do answer support email, indeed lots of support messages per day. I don't know what happened with your request. Could you please tell me your name or ticket number, so that I can look it up in our support ticket system and see what happened? The fact that you're posting anonymously here makes it difficult for me to find your request and follow up, given the many support requests we get every day. If you can help me find your ticket, and can see what happened to yours and why you didn't get a response. As mentioned, I would like to give you a refund and free license, due to the problems you encountered.