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I received the update yesterday but still have the problem with the Exquilla account not showing in the folder pane, therefore still cannot access the account.

Update: I communicated with support and they provided a link to ExQuilla 102.1. I installed it and everything is working now. I actually had to install a few times because it kept automatically updating to 115.1 but I finally got that resolved.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (115.1). 

I'm sorry that your account no longer shows up. It appears that some users who use Thunderbird 102 with ExQuilla 115.1 are affected. It seems to work for most users with this combination, but not all. We have not yet figured out what causes this.

What makes it difficult for us is that we cannot reproduce the problem. It works for us, in the same combination of software versions. There must be some factor which triggers the problem, but we haven't found what triggers it. Anybody who can help us find that factor would be highly appreciated. Our support is watching exquilla.support (at) beonex.com for indications. If you figured something out, please let us know.

Again, sorry for the troubles.

P.S. TB 102 with ExQuilla 102.1 and TB 115 with ExQuilla 115.1 appears to work, at least we have not received contrary reports. But note that upgrading to TB 115 is a one-way street, TB won't allow you to go back to TB 102 with your profile.