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ЗакрытьИстория версий Save Images
49 версий
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Эти версии отображаются только для сведения и в целях тестирования. Вам следует всегда использовать последнюю версию дополнения.
Версия 1.3.0
- Fixed: saving image under mouse was inaccurate depending on whether e10s was enabled or not
- Fixed: saving image under mouse addEventListener have been moved to frame script
- Fixed: opening multiple links was not working (added Task.jsm to SIOverlay.js)
- Changed: exporting of settings is done by list enumeration
- Changed: exporting/importing of settings using OS.File instead of streams
- Added: option to use middle mouse click to save image under the mouse
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
Версия 1.2.9
- Fixed: Save image under mouse not always working due to conflict with checking of background image Filters option
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
Версия 1.2.8
- Fixed: locales were disabled in chrome.manifest
- Fixed: showing/hiding of menu items was not working - incorrect observer set
- Fixed: image types was not resorting back to ALL if Selection was chosen but no types were selected
- Added: <em:multiprocessCompatible>true</em:multiprocessCompatible> to install.rdf
- Fixed: only sending data back instead of objects (image elements) from Frame Script to stop CPOW errors and make Save Images multi process
- Fixed: the base save folder was not opening from the Save Deatils window
- Added: selection of SVG and WEBP image types that can be saved
- Fixed: the mouse position detected for saving the image under the mouse was inaccurate - changed clientX to offsetX and clientY to offsetY
- Fixed: save details window was using incorrect preference for checking limits
- Added: an option to ignore Filters when saving background images
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
Версия 1.2.6
- Fixed: links were not opening when bypassing the selectLinks window
- Fixed: all links not showing in dialog or opening if content selected
- Fixed: opening selected links not ignoring duplicate links
- Fixed: delayed opening links only worked for first iteration - parameters were not being passed in subsequent iterations
- Added: menu item and web page button to stop the opening of delayed links/images
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
Версия 1.2.5
- Fixed: saving from multiple tabs was sometimes causing errors with the image array
- Fixed: tabs were not always being closed
- Added: code to get the add-on version
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
Версия 1.2.2
- Removed: removed unnecessary files
- Added: Framescripts to access DOM content
- Changed: Files and folders are created using OS.File.jsm and FileUtils.jsm functions
- Changed: moved checking for cache files into separate for loop because continueImageSave was being called multiple times and also being called even if cancelled prompt dialog
- Fixed: some tabs were being closed if a previous save had set the SI_canClose attribute but the tab was not closed
- Removed: the option to select a language to use for "Save Images". With signed add-ons, modifying the manifest file causes the add-on to stop working
- Fixed: Save Details window information is updated if window is open
- Added: an open folder button to the Save Details window
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed: partially - selecting a language causes the add-on to be not signed and therefore disabled
- Added: filters now also apply to background images
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed: preferences that used the getComplexValue function were not working
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Added: ability to save only the selected images
- Changed: back to using saveURI but with a check for the correct number of parameters (sorts out the problem of private browsing as well)
- Added: When using 'Open *** in Tabs', the opened tabs are now opened relative to the last opened tab so that the sequence is maintained
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Changed: SI_doImageSave to use Download.fetch for Firefox v36+
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed: changed "let" to "var" so compatible with Firefox v35
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed: nsIIOservice errors caused by trying to convert blank URL's to URI's with makeURI
- Added: images from inputs with type="image" will now be saved
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed: nsIIOservice errors caused by trying to save background images that were actually gradients
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Updated: Chinese simplified locale
- Changed: removed tabArr and instead added attributes to the tabs themselves to indicate whether they should be closed
- Changed: placed closeTabs, showSIDoneMsg and showSaveDetails in separate function that is called after setTimeout to allow async cache calls to complete
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Changed: labels for left and right tabs, added << and >> respectively to give clearer indication of the direction
- Changed: FF32 uses a new cache system so updated to work with both v1 & v2
- Added: general option to allow the selection of the language to be used by "Save Images"
- Added: Chinese - Traditional (Thanks to Rogeer Chen)
- Added: when opening image links/links, a delay can be applied so that not all links are opened at once
- Added: an option to bypass the "Select Links' dialog box when opeining multiple links/images at once
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed: missing Chinese, Swedish and German label translation in Link Select box
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Updated French translation
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed: a variable was not updated in the new version of "checkImages" which resulted in an error when "File Size -> If Unknown -> Prompt" was set in "Options"
- Changed the "blue" headers in the "Options", "Save" and "Select Links" windows to black/bold
- Changed that a tab will only close if an image was saved from that tab
- Added complete localization of add-on - complete German translation
- Added OS version, Firefox version, Save Images version, language, "Last Firefox download folder", "Firefox Download folder" when exporting settings
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed: images within frames were not being saved
- Fixed: replaced various DOM node generic labels with distinct labels
- Fixed: problem with shortcut keys due to auto save/stop items being removed
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed: changed the privacyContext to be obtained from the image's document
- Removed the "Automatically Open/Save" functionality as it does not work properly since Firefox 18
- Fixed: errors caused by the removal of the auto open/save functionality
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Changed from using "openCacheEntry" to "asyncOpenCacheEntry" for accessing cache information
- Moved option "Same Domain" from General tab to Filters tab
- Rearranged Filters tab contents
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed: change the way the operating system is detected
- Fixed: some image url's were invaid which caused errors (google ads)
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed: "No images found to be saved" reported incorrectly - moved to "showSIDoneMsg" function
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed: placed all non-essential global variables in namespaces
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed: Changed nsILocalFile to nsIFile in v0.8.2, but this is only from Firefox14+, so changed back to nsILocalFile so works in older versions of Firefox
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed: about.xul needed to be saved as UTF-8
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed bug where saveURI had error "Not enough arguments" in Windows 8
- Fixed bug where unicode characters in folder and file name was not read from preferences correctly
- Added function to obtain the original file name of images if no file name is found in the URL of the image
- Fixed bug where images in a tab in a non-visible group where being saved when saving from Left,Right or All
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
- Fixed bug : menuitems where not being displayed correctly
- Fixed bug: conflict between old shortcut preference and new one
- Исходный код выпущен на условиях Mozilla Public License, версия 1.1
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