
Informazioni utente

Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome Blacksmith
Utente da Ott. 14, 2010
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Le mie recensioni

Save Images

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Excellent response by the developer. Reported a bug you only run into in very special situations yesterday and got within less than 12 hours a corrected AddOn!!!!! GREAT!

This tool is a big timesaver in many situations. Test it!

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Save Images

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

I have been using this Add-on for a long time on my last machine.

When I saw the last few comments about 'Save Images' I was frightened the developer had screwed it up. I'm very happy to say now: He did not! It runs flawless on my new Win7 machine as it always did on my WinXP, it still downloads full sized images and it offers a handy solution to my bulk download needs.

Usage hints:
1) Note that this Add-on get's its own entry in the Tools group.
2) Before using it, you need to configure it by means of its own Options. I do think you need a few tries saving scratch data to different directorie to find out how it works and whether you configured it correct. Having 15 spare minutes invested in that would be a good idea.
3) In order to avoid saving a lot of crap I enabled size limits. Instead of using 'File Size' I limit the pictures by 'Dimension'. A 'Min Witdth' and 'Min Height' of 170 turned out to filter most ad stuff, buttons and so on... 'File Size' filters work far less good, as there are many images that seem not to transmit their size (even if you can select between Skip/Prompt/Save for this case it's still a partial solution).

I'm sure this is not the solution to all image download needs. But it makes MY bulk downloading of pictures a pleasure and saves me PLENTY of time. THANK YOU!

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