Glassed Firefox and Appearance Tweaks

di fstop4

5 Componenti aggiuntivi in questa raccolta

Custom Buttons di Yan, cubegm, altri

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle 125 recensioni

20 utenti

Gives a possibility to create custom toolbarbuttons...

CuteButtons di ChoGGi

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle 95 recensioni

63 utenti

Adds icons to buttons and/or menus.

Compact Menu 2 di Milly

Add a compact menu button to the navigation toolbar, and hide the menu bar.

KeePass Helper di Jelle Geerts

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle 40 recensioni

8 utenti

Adds a hostname, URL, or email account ID to the application's window name (e.g., that of Firefox or Thunderbird) to make it recognizable to password manager utilities like KeePass.

Custom Buttons² di SCClockDr, nicholasalipaz, altri

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle 75 recensioni

1 utente

The Custom Buttons² Firefox extension provides the code base support necessary to create, maintain, import, and export custom toolbar buttons. The buttons can perform just about any task, with a large number of buttons already available on the exte...

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