Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Another way to do this without an add-on: toggle the setting of mail.showCondensedAddresses to false in the config editor (run Thunderbird, go to Preferences..., select the Advanced tab, select the General sub-tab (might not be necessary), press the "Config Editor..." button, then copy/paste in "mail.showCondensedAddresses" and double-click the entry that appears to toggle).

I did this while looking at an email addressed to me and when I toggled the setting the To: header showed my email address immediately. Then I quit Thunderbird and the setting is saved.

I greatly appreciate the community for writing and maintaining add-ons. However add-ons in general are a considerable security risk (you're executing more code with an add-on) and possible impediment to upgrading to subsequent versions of the host program when add-ons go unmaintained. I'd rather not take on these possible inconveniences for something as simple as a toggling preference setting.

I'm selecting a rating of 4 stars even though I neither like nor dislike this add-on. I appreciate the code brevity (even if you're non-technical, read the source code of this add-on; it's incredibly short) and I like that it helped point me to the preference setting to toggle (searched on the word "condense" in the config editor).

I don't know how this add-on is licensed so I can only guess that the add-on is free software which means that the add-on respects the user's software freedom to study, run, improve, and share.

No. This extensions does different work. Just disable \"You\" and nothing more. With preference \"mail.showCondensedAddresses\" you disable looking to your adressbook for contact name.