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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome t1470258
Utente da Marzo 5, 2007
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Le mie recensioni

App Tabs

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If it fails for you too on an "EMPTY" trial profile, then I'd rather suggest the original "faviconize" tab (which is unprotected app tab). It works with most others and themes...

What app tab failed is random (or unknown) enlargement of app'ed tabs back to normal without title which basically violates the purpose...

Good idea yet while the time this gets fixed I'm afraid FF4 would already be released...

Link Status

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I've read all comments and author's responses and agree the author's "intuitive" suggestion of marking links "near" the link itself is ideal since it's very unergonomic to current look.link-hover.link-look.status-repeat style approach compared to look.link-look.status style (no RSI either)...

Author complains about the 'zilla bugs for that approach which some resolved which others I don't understand. Author also mentions security and privacy issues which I couldn't associate with the addon either. Currently instead of this addon I'm using "Stylish" visited-style plus "Link Visitor" mark-bookmarks-visited which in total allows me not to revisit (unless intentional) bookmarked or visited links yet not distinguish in between...

As far as privacy, security and under the hood; I'm also concerned about those too but not to the level of paranoid since after some point resistance is futile and besides there are many workarounds as it comes to programming (though don't know mozilla specifics) to achieve same result. I've seen and using many other addons which overlay on canvas yet not complain over privacy...

Anyways take me for a noob and please explain why the most ergonomic approach can't be implemented currently in simple words???


Save Images

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Good job...

Yet Icon needs to be worked on somewhat because it looks too complex to distinguish...

As a Major Flaw; Many like me use 'Save Images' to download galleries where most galleries contain LINKED images. Yet there's NO DIRECT WAY top save Linked Images within your add-on whatsoever...

You can only form a page of linked images then save them all together yet this breaks directory structure options within the add-on...

Please rectify this in future releases...

Thank you...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.6.7) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Google Images

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Simply use "Add to Search Bar" for full customization, to be not bound to red G, or use Stylish for furthermore...

In short this addon is NOT needed...

Screenshot Pimp

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Searching among screenshot addons I first found Pimp to be promising. But after below comment and one encounter of page discoloring (black), I agree with him to a degree...

Yet below review is somewhat incorrect since hotkeys worked for me. Also his beloved ScreenGrab failed "exactly the same" on the same web page with Pimp. Only by examining the behaviors and capabilities of Grab and Pimp side by side, one can say Pimp is "Grab on a Toolbar"...

Despite this bug, the addon is "unique" among others since it is the ONLY one with a toolbar functionality which is way easier than other methods...

Better alternatives are (despite toolbar); Abduction, Shooter even overrated Fireshot yet not the cousin ScreenGrab...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.5) del componente aggiuntivo. 


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OK, first of all there's nothing in the profile folder you can play with like "simpleblock.ini" mentioned in "COMMENTS"...

Secondly since addon definitions are vague, concluding from overall this is a "URLBlock" which is nothing near AdBlock+ or similar...

And finally even if it can be light on resources, actually should be tried with at least 1000+ URLs for a fair comparison, it is just a "lame" excuse not providing UI. We're not in 90s and bound to GUI'less DOS. Instead of providing an "useless" tray icon author should really use a "simplistic" UI, even a button to invoke its configuration file...

In short, it indeed is a beta and will remain that way if it will continue to disregard the basic necessities of today...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.0.3) del componente aggiuntivo. 


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One of my 'can't live without it' addons... Until I found "Save Images" addon...

If you;
- Want toolbar button functionality instead of context menu
- Work mainly with images instead of massive links
- Want more options within the user interface

Then you're urged to switch to "Save Images" although Linky is still good and have unique features...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.7.1) del componente aggiuntivo. 

SearchMenu - Search Faster in Firefox

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So what's the fuss is about?

Kallout doesn't bring anything new over what you can accomplish with a compilation of decent addons other than "privacy policy" and "INCorporated" approach...

Please do read back all the reviews here (not short but looong "defending" ones) and you'll see Corporate tries "hard" to convince users for a "try" unlike hobbyist addon authors' relaxed approach...

But the reviews + replies "convinced" me that there's something misfit which I'll leave up to readers: A Corporate (probably not big since they usually don't response) tries way too hard promote, replies almost all posts defending far more harder for criticism (even at CEO level) with corporate form of "netiquette" and POV, tries to combine with other addons (where a good one can stand on its own), has "fineprint" legal privacy policy about advertisement with "profiling"... ... ... So what will you think???...

If Kallout was to be "unique" even I would have gone with it too. Fortunately you can cook it up on your own with these addons:
- "Auto Context" : main addon providing almost all, even better, features dating 'older' than Kallout.
- "Organize Search Engines" : enables the, "better", search engine grouping which integrates with Auto Context.
- "Add to Search bar" : enables user to add "any" search box / engine "desired", which also integrates with Auto Context.
Plus none of them have "privacy issues", have greater ratings and more customization with no 'agenda'...

It's good that users will have more choices with addons like KO but it's also a 'responsibility' what to promote and what not to. Since KO doesn't provide something fancier / unique / irreplaceable but "policy", I strongly suggest "UN-incorporated" way against uncertainty...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo. 

Speed Dial

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Have you ever tried "New Tab JumpStart" (Chromium's) or "Opera"s New Tab features? If not you should since they both are far more easier to configure compared to configuration mania of Speed Dial...

Since Chromium's New Tab is already there as other addon, can you consider adding Opera's simplistic approach of New Tab to Speed Dial where it's just click and select either bookmark, history or "current tabs". Many options the Speed Dial provides is good yet inconveniently time consuming...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo. 

Auto Dial 3D

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This is a good addon showing similarity to "Auto Dial" yet different. It's bad though this isn't customizable (for thumbs) either since it should be including bookmarks etc...

Also despite "parallax" effect is good I'd rather prefer "CoolIris"/"FoxTab" style effect more appealing. Hope you to consider...


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As of FF3.0 and FH0.7, this addon has the best GUI among similar history blocker addons which is customizable and so forth...

Yet it also renders awesome / location bar useless if you're to have years of "history" and thousands of "bookmarks" since bar suggestions takes forever because of FoxyHistory (uninstalling solves). Since it has a way to go I'll look forward for a better version for this issue...


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Maybe to author "provides a context menu" but for anyone else current version on an empty FF3 profile it "simply" does: Show all thumbnails with their respective images within page...

No context menu, No options, Nothing advertised is there but "a major dissappointment". Don't care if these features "were" present but for now stay away and go for "Save Images", "Linky" addons or even "Linked images" bookmarklet. In short anything but...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.5.1) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Unofficial Google Translate Firefox extension 1.3

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Watching the boring demo, I must say this addon simply doesn't stand out among others...

Its RC-S-RC-S-Alt-Click (RC: Right-Click S:Select) interface is simply cumbersome and "UNERGONOMIC" as an RSI inducer...

Until author finds an "simpler" approach I simply recommend to look for another translator...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.3) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Custom Buttons²

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CustomButtons2 is what GreaseMonkey or Stylish are: simply essential for customization. Yet it's not "perfect"... YET!...

16x16 small icons, non-square buttons, inability to delete buttons unless added to toolbar, small (current) repository of buttons and similar things make CustomButtons2 need some polishing to be perfect...

Until then for simplicity, bigger icons and completeness you are advised to use "Toolbar Buttons" and/or "Toolbar Extras" addons for Firefox...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (3.0.1) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Save Images

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Noble attempt... Yet between old icons and "should be like this" sighs, the similarly functioning "Linky" does its job better IMO. Good effort yet needs more polishing...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.5.2) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Resize Search Box

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Once a good addon is now obsolete for FF v3+ since v3 provides same function by default (RSB included)...


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Would have been 5 stars if SortPlaces is to provide an Toolbar icon in "Organize Bookmarks" Window rather than/in addition to Main Window Toolbar icon...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.5.0) del componente aggiuntivo. 


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Best among thumbnail-ing add-ons. Yet need some polishing like it provides extra space below tabbar while using TabMix+ "Multiple Row Tabs" feature. Also a seperate comment/forum site will be better...

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.1.2) del componente aggiuntivo. 


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Fasterfox is great yet in past I've given up many great extensions because of their incompatibility with "greater" extensions...

Fasterfox is incompatible with "Adblock Element Hiding Helper", which is the greater extension IMHO compared to Fasterfox. So until this issue fixed, they can't be used together...