Charlie D.

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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome Charlie D.
Utente da Ago. 22, 2014
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
Media delle valutazioni sui componenti aggiuntivi di questo sviluppatore. Nessun voto

Le mie recensioni

Gufo per Exchange

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Just installed this add-on by advice from Thunderbird itself.
When I try to add an account from both the account-wizard as the add-on itself. It says there is a problem with my cookie-settings, they ALL have to be enabled.

--- Update: 1 ---
As the developer explained (below here), I quote: "This is not coming from us, but we found that the Microsoft and third party authentication web pages do not work properly, if you restrict cookies".
So they should be:
* Third party cookies: 'Always';
* Save them until: 'They are outdated'.
Note: I had the save them until option on 'Until I close Thunderbird' but is has to be outdated.
There is also NO reason to change other security-settings in Thunderbird.

Now I have no trouble reading my e-mail trough this add-on, so the stars go up!

At you can find an e-mail-address for support, there is no FAQ-page which to me comes unhandy, but hey, I'm not the developer of Owl ;o)

--- Update: 2 ---
The main Exchange-calendar/agenda is added automatically when you create a new account.
The same goes for the main address book.
You just have to search for them, as they are created by their default name (which I always rename for personal use and overview).

Note: At the moment of writing, you can only connect tot the main calendar and main address book.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente ( del componente aggiuntivo. 


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--- update ---
Got immediate response from the developer on this review withe explanation about my errors.
Support can be found at: mentioned here (I'm sorry I overlooked that one going straight tho the start page mentioned in the add-on in Thunderbird itself).
So based on the response and support found at the forum I give it a big plus now!

--- Original review ---
Looks nice but makes a mess of all my contacts, removes birthdays and shows Thunderbird address books double (I don't know why). Since I can find no support or help here nor on I tried the following to resolve this:
1) Removed the CardBook add-on from thunderbird;
2) Restarted thunderbird;
3) Deleted all my Google contacts online;
4) Deleted al my contacts in Thunderbird;
5) Reimported my thunderbird contacts and address books;
6) reinstalled this add-on, hoping it will ask for my address books again.

Now guess what?
* All my contacts and address books still show double in CardBook in Thunderbird! No not in the address book of Thunderbird itself only in CardBook.
* And Thunderbird now locks up because it asks if I want to keep or delete a contact because it is not in Google anymore. Which IS a nice feature wasn't is so that CardBook is asking me the same question for EVERY SINGLE contact and not for the whole bunch of - in my case - 5145 contacts at once!

So with no explanation while installing, no support page available, removing birthdays from my calendar, no way to handle a large quantity of contacts and messing contacts and address books up in a undefinable way this add-on gets a zero for now.

I hope it will be better and more clear in the future because I would still like to use it after all... Thanks!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (56.3) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Open With

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--- Dutch, English below here ---
Doet wat het moet doen, wèl even Python installeren en het script activeren. Ook dat leggen ze keurig uit.

Let op: De laatste versie voor Thunderbird versie 78.x staat gek genoeg onder de 'Overige versies' / 'Oude versies'.
Tenminste, nu in december 2020 is dat nog zo...

--- English ---
Does what it should do! You only have to install Python and activate a script.
@McBob and anonymous; Python version 2 or 3 doesn't matter it says, see also the attention note below here.

Attention; The last version for Thunderbird version 78.x is seen as a 'Other version' / 'Old version' so you have to download it there...
At least in December 2020 that is.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (7.2.3) del componente aggiuntivo.