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I just edited the install.rdf in the xpdefault.xpi in order to get my colorful icons back... changed the line <em:version>45.0.9</em:version> to <em:version>45.2.0</em:version> and TB accepted.
So far no errors found on using TB. Thanks!

BTW, no bug report, just a workaround for those that can't wait for a regular fix and know how to edit the contents of the .xpi...:-)

Oh, and: changing this:
<em:maxVersion>45.*</em:maxVersion> to p.ex. <em:maxVersion>49.*</em:maxVersion> makes future TB upgrades valid as wel. Now let's hope there aren't any incompatibilities in this future code...

I still don't understand why people are sooo bewildered of those ugly black-and-white icons. I see color so I want color.


Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (45.0.2) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Hi Michal,

Your xpDefault is very good in Linux too. I had some pull-down menu issues with other "retro-like" themes but yours beat hem all and works perfectly.

Good job!


Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (24.0) del componente aggiuntivo. 


Great to hear you like the theme. If you think it's really perfect, you can spread the word among friends - Linux as well as Windows users are welcome. In fact all, all users are welcome. ;-)
