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I thought at first it looked like a good extension; it isn't. Why?

The top group titled "feeds" will not permit me to organize my feeds into groups without creating an entirely different group below it just to put them into categories. Having two sets of identical feeds, one in a general listing, and the other in my own organizational structure isn't the way to do things.

I have a large number, and wading through a nearly-endless list does not rank very high on my list of favorite things to do. So this turned me off entirely on the extension.

Then, when I uninstalled it, disaster struck.

It took all of my extensions and themes with it. I can't began to state how ticked off I was.

In hindsight, I see what happened. When you install it, it creates (by default) a folder within your profile to save settings and RSS feed locations. Well, logical, right?

Not when it takes the entire profile folder with it when you uninstall NewsFox. Brilliant piece of engineering, guys. *sarcastic*

If it were possible to give this a negative rating, I would have done so.

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