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ChiudiRecensioni per Mail Merge P
18 recensioni per questo componente aggiuntivo
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Arbeitet sehr gut mit Excel-Dateien (.xlsx) zusammen. Einfach zu bedienen, wenn man daran denkt, die {{E-Mail}} mit Enter zu bestätigen!
Leider kann man keine Anhänge verschicken.
(Win 10 / TB 115.18.0 / Mail Merge P 2.7.0)
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It works for my (very basic) needs. One bug (to me) is that the Preview window is too big for my screen (a standard 15" laptop display). So once the window is up, I cannot see the title bar so I can neither move it nor close it (aside from the Alt-Tab or Task Manager methods). Somewhat annoying.
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.6.2) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
Works great though could use a little polish with intuitiveness such as not picking up {{email}} in "to" when user hasn't hit enter (could be a base TB issue that needs fixing}}. This addon requires less invasive permissions like control of whole computer so this is the main reason I chose it. Hopefully in the future we can pick and choose what permissions we wish to grant addons in the future. Great work Jason Siefkin :) thanks for a great addon
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.5.3) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
Need to remove attachment in order to send message.
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.5.2) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle
Mail Merge P is excellent, or was. It doesn't work in Windows 11. In my old notbook with Windows 10 works very well.
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.5) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle
will not send with attachments. please update
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.5) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle
it is not possible to attach files in the mailing....
it's a lack
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
It just works. Perfectly. Very handy for sending personalised e-mails from details in an Excel spreadsheet - fast and foolproof (once you remember that you have to press <return> after entering the column name for the e-mail addresses).
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.5) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle
At first I couldn't get it to pick up any fields until I changed the perser setting from Nunjucks to Legacy. Then it picked up {{First Name}} in the body of the email but not the primary email address in the To: field. Then I read another review that says you have to hit the Enter key after typing {{Primary Email}} and that worked.
Overall I find it less easy to use than the original Mail Merge 8.4.0 by Alexander Bergmann and now Mail Merge 8.4.0 now has a preview feature so I don't think that Mail MergeP offers any advantages
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Works great, but how is it possible to send each mail with an individual attachment? Thanks in advance!
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Working fine for me, 91.5.0. The interface is a nice upgrade over "Mail Merge" (which I suddenly does NOT work for me). I really miss the Save as Draft option, though.
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.4) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle
This used to work until a few weeks ago, now I get the following error in the developer console:
NS_ERROR_XPC_CANT_MODIFY_PROP_ON_WN: Cannot modify properties of a WrappedNative
Apparently, the plug-in only worked up through Thunderbird v78 or so, and a fix is expected this winter.
The need to hit Enter when adding email address place holder is not obvious, nor is the reason why sometimes Nunkucks works and sometimes Legacy parsing works for a message. But overall, when it's working, it's pretty good.
Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle
Sorry - couldn't get this to work - and what more satisfying way is there to spend an afternoon than delicately adjusting all possible combinations of syntax, including & excluding spaces, comparing names in CSV file & address book trying with and without case-sensitivity, choosing and googling for parser information, to end up with a piece of software that ultimately doesn't work. Doubtless some little trick that would be obvious to developer would have persuaded it to work. I however have to guard my fragile hold on the will to live. so - No - I will not be donating, I will be removing this piece of gamma quality software and perhaps if I have a need in 3 years time and the feedback is 90% 5 star I MIGHT look again
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.3) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
There is indeed an issue with forming "To:" field from CSV file. To resolve it, you need to hit "Enter" after you type {{Email}}, instead of just clicking on the next field.
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.3) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle
I thought I would try this version since the regular Mail Merge add-on wasn't working. I at least get a dialogue box and can select my spreadsheet with this one but there are no instructions , gets stymied on the second tab with the gears on it (for what I wonder) and that's as far as I can get.
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.3) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle
for me it works really well, and I use it a lot.
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.3) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle
Great add-on.,, but, so sorry, it doesn't work! In my experience is impossible to insert email addresses. Please upgrade! TNX!
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.3) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle
Ottima idea quella di prelevare gli indirizzi da un file excel o csv. Peccato che il componente non funzioni. Ho provato in tutti i modi ma, pur riconoscendo il numero di mail da spedire, non riesce ad inserire gli indirizzi email
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.3) del componente aggiuntivo.Per creare una tua raccolta devi avere un account per Mozilla Add-ons.