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Since the addon is not compatible with my version of TB, I can only rate the description. Would be wonderful to have it, I am desperately searching for Gantt charts to manage tasks in Lightning.

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Do you plan to update it for TB 78+ ?

Thanks for using GanttView. As of now, it's almost impossible for me to get this working again using the new extensions platform. I'll keep monitoring updates to see if I can do it at some point, but until further notice it's unfortunately stuck in limbo!

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Thank you for developing this useful addon. Do you think to update to Thunderbird 68.x?

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Thanks for this extension. Did you plan to update it for TB 68+ ?

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Thank you for developing this extension. I really like the capability to using Google calendar as a Gantt chart. And I am looking forward to the planned features, like zooming, dependencies, attendees as resources.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Great Add, thank for dev + maintenance

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Thanks really useful - very helpful it would be to the visible range scalieren time - there is a "hidden" parameters?

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How I can print as Gantt chart?

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

thanks a lot to the author :)

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It is really nice app i can have Gantt diagram for personal use in my Thunderbird :-) I would give you 4 stars because of dependencies between tasks and events but as i know is the matter of Lightning addon you have 5 ;-) good job!!!

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Quite good! Would be even better if it was possible to define dependencies between events.

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

This looks really nice. Is there a way to turn the chart on and off without having to enable and disable the addon?

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Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

Is it possible to have a view option by calendar?
Join all events in just one line (by calendar)? Instead have several lines from the same calendar.

I like very much this ad-don, thank you very much for your work.

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

great stuff but you are still working on it because the last update was quite a while ago?
There's just one more think, why are those additional tool bar buttons only available in the main tool bar and not in the one of the calendar?



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Nice work, Joe! I've filed a bug 24926 to add SeaMonkey support and better detect the application in which this is installed, but some minor editing got it working for my test setup, and it looks really nice.

The code is elegant and the rendering is clean and legible. Very, very well done.

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great addon! please keep working on it!

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Thanks for the great job on the Title Ordinal Override! Since you're looking for another name; how about
- manual sorting feature or
- parent & child creation or
- subtask creation

keep up the support of this great addon!
I'll make sure to donate :)

best Lois

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

This is a good tool

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Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

I tried this and was liking it until I found that it doesn't have the ability to set details at the minute and hour levels. I use Gantts for very fine grained scheduling, and would really like something that fully integrates with Lightning or GCal. So, very good start, but needs more work!

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Thanks for the input. I plan to implement a "zoom" feature at some point. This would allow better control over the time axis - you would be able to zoom in for finer resolution, or out so that each column could be a week, month, etc. This will take some time to develop since it will effect almost every aspect of the code in some way.

Note that in the meantime, you can still assign times to events in the event dialog, even though they are only displayed with "day" resolution as with the other multiday views.

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Nice addon! But why i can't add any tasks, only events? What I'm doing wrong? When adding the task, it adds in the tasks column, but not in the Gantt view.

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Make sure that you have the option for "Show Tasks In Calendar" checked - View...Calendar...Current View...Show Tasks in Calendar.

Also make sure that tasks have a start date and due date - otherwise they won't show up on the calendar.